The ChooseMyPlate.gov shows how a healthy meal plate should look like for children and adults- only portion sizes change! Following the MyPlate guideline means eating a well-balanced diet with a variety of colors. You can also see the New American Plate from the American Institute of Cancer Research.
Think of your plate containing four sections: fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins.
- Fruits and vegetables should fill half the plate and grains and protein should fill the other half of the plate.
- Eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables in every color to ensure a range of nutrients.
- Go lean with protein, make at least half of your grains whole grains
- Choose fat-free or low-fat dairy options or other sources of calcium and vitamin D rich foods.
- Limit salts, solid fats, and added sugars.
- Balance your calories by enjoying the foods but eating less while avoiding oversized portions.
- Drink water instead of sugary drinks. And overall, find a balance between food and physical activity!
Read our interview with nutrition expert, Elizabeth Ward, to gain valuable insights into feeding your kids and family right! Then visit MyPlate to learn more about serving sizes.