I’m here to guide you. GO grab the closest box or can!! Flip it over and what do you have?? I spy NUTRITION FACTS on the back! This is here to help you make the best decisions possible with the foods that you are putting in your body.
Serving Size is the first thing I see! What does this mean? It means the amount that is shown is what the nutrition facts are based on. So if you are eating 2 cups of beans and the serving size is a half cup, you have to multiply everything else on the label by four. Time to get our math skills in shape! What’s next?
Calories are used by your body for energy for work, fun and play! Eat more than you need and you will gain weight… too few and you won’t have the energy to do the things you love.
Total fat is the total amount of fat in a product. Remember if it’s fat free it doesn’t always mean it’s low in calories. You need fat to stay healthy, but it’s yummier from plant sources!
Saturated Fat. The less the better. Less than 10% of your daily fat should be saturated. This is a big part in the promotion of heart disease!
Trans-fat. Look for partially hydrogenated oils in the ingredients list. That’s the best way to find trans-fat in your food. If it’s there– don’t buy it!
Cholesterol is close to saturated fat. They go hand in hand in food.
Sodium is a fancy word for salt. Sometimes you have to be careful and not get too much!
Total Carbohydrate:
Fiber is my favorite type of complex carbohydrate! Both soluble and insoluble are listed here. Fiber is good! Helps keep digestion regular and keeps cholesterol levels down. GO fiber! Beans, lentils, whole grains and root vegetables!
Sugar is a simple carbohydrate. You don’t want too much of this added to your foods as sugar or high fructose corn syrup! Whole fruit and milk have simple carbohydrates, but they are loaded with nutrients that our bodies need to grow! Fruit has a lot of fiber too!! Yum!
Protein helps build strong muscles.
Vitamins and Minerals are good for the body! We all want 100%, but keep in mind everyone’s vitamin needs are different… big bodies, little bodies, men and women.
Percent Daily Value is based on a calorie level. Everyone has different needs depending on how old you are, how much you run around and find adventure, and even if you’re a boy or a girl!
Ingredients are always a mystery. I’ve decided less is better! If I can’t pronounce them…. Well… maybe I should check them out before I eat them or avoid them altogether.
Know what you’re eating by reading and make the best decisions you can for you and your body! Vist me on the Super Crew Kid’s site.
Gotta Dance
– Kira