I’m concerned about the environmental impact of garbage disposers. So instead of putting the plate waste into the garbage disposal I compost any plant based leftovers. I even add in outdated herbs and spices into our composter. I keep big yogurt tubs by the sink, and scrape the plates there -then transfer the scraps to the composter every few days.
Facts about Garbage Disposals.
- Garbage disposals can be harmful because they allow grease to accumulate in sewers leading to sewage spills.
- Grease can clog sewer lines and obstruct the flow of wastewater.
- To prevent environmentally damaging sewage spills, city crews use a special truck to flush away grease with water and chemicals. Yuck, our bodies don’t need any more chemical exposure!
- With Garbage disposal, people are more likely to put grease down the sink and grind up things like chicken bones. All of which add to the increase in grease coming from houses.
Whether you have a garbage disposal or not, avoid putting grease down your sink to help prevent sewage spills and stay earth friendly. Consider starting a composter in place of putting plant-based foods down the garbage disposer. It’s a great way to re-use and recycle.