I love this recipe because it’s so easy and makes a great substitute for potato chips.
Corn contains phytochemicals (plant compounds) important for eye and heart health. Plus it has fiber which boosts that full feeling so you’re less likely to over-eat. Because this dish is heavy in oil, keep your portion size small and pair it with a lean protein and non-starchy vegetables.
- 1 Tube of pre-cooked gluten free organic polenta. I use Trader Joe’s brand.
- Grape Seed oil or organic canola oil (these have higher smoke points)
- Fresh rosemary and chives
- Put the oven on broiler and preheat
- Wash and herbs
- Remove rosemary from stem
- Cut chives with kitchen scissors
- Cut the polenta into thin circles
- Grease cookie sheet with oil
- Place polenta rounds onto cookie sheet and lightly pour oil over polenta
- Broil for 8 minutes -check after 5 minutes with oven light to make sure they’re not browning
Looking for another quick meal with corn? Check out these Fried Eggs Over Taco Shells.