The Benefits of Blueberries:
- Are a rich source of vitamin K, which may play a role in preventing osteoporosis and hardening of the arteries
- May help prevent urinary tract infections by preventing bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract
- Make blood platelets less sticky, lowering the risk of blood clots
- Are rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients which may help improve visual acuity, filter out UV rays and protect against cancer and other chronic diseases
- Can help lower cholesterol levels
Enjoy fresh, frozen or dried blueberries
- Add to yogurt, cereal, salads, smoothies and frozen yogurt.
- Try in these delicious overnight oats!
- In refreshing hydration mixtures.
- Craving a cold dessert, pour a bowl of frozen wild blueberries – each sweet cold crunch is satisfying! Try these other 10 tasty foods served frozen.
- You can also reap the benefits of blueberries year-round by eating 100% fruit spreads (i.e. jam/preserves without additives and sugar)
- For kids: Have a blue tooth contest; see whose teeth get the bluest from eating the frozen blueberries.