Healthy Living Blog

Grape Coconut Breeze

Ingredients: 16 red seedless grapes or ½ cup ½ cup wild frozen blueberries ½ fresh kiwi ¼ cup frozen pineapple 1 slice of lime without

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Two Easy Salads

Green Salad Ingredients: Chopped celery Chopped avocado Chopped green pear Chopped purple onion Black beans and pinto beans Baby spinach (tastes best chopped) Brown rice,

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Beefsteak Tomato Appetizer

Ingredients: 2 large Beefsteak tomatoes 4-5 tablespoon purple onions 5 tablespoons of chopped chives or green onion 1-2 garlic cloves – very finely minced to

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Refreshing Green Smoothie!

Green smoothies are a great way to boost your veggie intake while getting more fiber and calcium in your diet. Plus eating a diet high

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How to Break Bad Habits

A habit can be hard to break because it is a routine you’ve created that’s easy to follow each day. To evaluate your unhealthy habits,

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